Monday, February 6, 2017

Release Your Fixation!

Are you fixated on a solution that is blinding you to new ideas?
I was recently introduced to the game “WordBrain.” I don’t typical play any computer games, but at the recommendation of my daughter I gave it a go. I actually find the game interesting and a bit challenging at times. Perhaps most interesting is my discovery that in some ways it is a blatant testimony about life.
The object of the game is to slide your finger across the board to various connecting letters that complete a word. If you get the correct word, all those letters drop into place in the word box beneath the board, sliding the remaining letters into a new place. The new position might allow for new words to potentially come into view. And to further complicate the process, there can be duplicate letters which permit you to get the right word, but choose the wrong letters…making all the next words impossible to create. You have to start again. Recreate the word in some other contiguous form of the letters.
How could this possibly be a reflection of life? Simple. The inability to release the idea of the path we thought was right, in favor of actually finding the one that is right. How long will the real pathway be obscured by what we thought was the answer? How long will we retry our word, with the conviction there must be something wrong! We were certain we were right, why isn’t it working?
This is especially true when you proudly find a multifaceted word, especially one with 7, 8 or 9 letters that you had to zigzag all over the board to make happen! As you are swiping your finger you feel this sort of jubilant excitement, only to dumbfoundedly be stopped in your tracks as the letters do not budge. No word dropped into place. You are wrong.
Yet, we are still affixed to the word we were sure was the source we needed! Sometimes we catch ourselves trying it again and again, as if the board is suddenly going to acquiesce to our persistence. Yet, time and time again, it won’t. It never will.
It is instead necessary for us to garner a new perspective, release our fixation to the word it might have been, and find the other word, the correct word, that is at least as obviously still in front of us.
There are many pathways to our goals, and we must redirect ourselves from the ones that have not brought us where we want to go, and have faith and a willingness to be open to still find the path to arrival. Don’t be fixated on what you thought would bring you there, and instead be open to what might be right in front of you that you have not yet chosen to see. Like in the game, it is not that complicated. We just need to be open, devoted, and trusting that there is simply a place we haven’t examined yet.
Sometimes we have to make a few moves before we can see what is truly available to us, and we may have to release the truth we were believing in previously to arrive at our goal.

Wake Up to how you're operating from past hurts, Stand Up for your non-negotiable qualities and Live Free into your next reality.
Life is not meant to be a struggle, and healing from harsh forces is a beautiful, gentle awakening to the one limiting core belief—the red thorn—that can be gently released (not extracted).
Cut Your Root of Captivity.
Email for a free initial consultation. Or order our Guide to Freedom
“Me & My Shadow” by Diana Iannarone on Amazon.
We do not give legal advice, nor do we use legal principles to apply to your circumstances. We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Take the Chance

There is no way to know what life can offer without taking chances!
Wake Up to how you're operating from past hurts, Stand Up for your non-negotiable qualities and Live Free into your next reality.
Life is not meant to be a struggle, and healing from harsh forces is a beautiful, gentle awakening to the one limiting core belief—the red thorn—that can be gently released (not extracted).
Cut Your Root of Captivity.
Email for a free initial consultation. And order our Guide to Freedom:
“Me & My Shadow” by Diana Iannarone on Amazon.
We do not give legal advice, nor do we use legal principles to apply to your circumstances. We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

The Pain of a Cold Heart

Have you been in relationship with someone with a cold heart? It is hard to both endure and recover from, because it's incomprehensible that someone could have a cold heart.
However once you awaken to this reality -that cold hearts exist in such situations like sociopathy or narcissism…you are freer and safer in the world.
Part of the message of my book "Me & My Shadow-Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom" on Amazon (see tab on this blog) is helping us learn about our shadow side. Something we all have. And embracing it fully enables us to see it in others.
Embracing your shadow ignites within you the warrior spirit to finally keep yourself safe from harm.
The heart in this image however, is beautiful. And showed up on a waterfall in my pond when I absolutely needed the reminder about love is still present everywhere.
Type my name in YouTube or go to my website to learn more.
Wake Up to how you're operating from past hurts, Stand Up for your non-negotiable qualities and Live Free into your next reality.
Life is not meant to be a struggle, and healing from harsh forces is a beautiful, gentle awakening to the one limiting core belief—the red thorn—that can be gently released (not extracted).
Cut Your Root of Captivity.
Email for a free initial consultation. Or order our Guide to Freedom
“Me & My Shadow” by Diana Iannarone on Amazon.
We do not give legal advice, nor do we use legal principles to apply to your circumstances. We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Ready to Go All In?

Getting your feet wet may not be enough. To really have the full experience of life sometimes you just have to get engulfed in it!! 

Meet Gandalf. This horse was so ambitious. He loved to swim and to jump. This was his idea… in the murky water of the newly installed lagoon. 

Fellow dare devil Lucky in the background. 

Courage is what is needed to have new experiences. Do you need help igniting yours? 

Wake Up to how you're operating from past hurts, Stand Up for your non-negotiable qualities and Live Free into your next reality.
Life is not meant to be a struggle, and healing from harsh forces is a beautiful, gentle awakening to the one limiting core belief—the red thorn—that can be gently released (not extracted).
Cut Your Root of Captivity.
Email for a free initial consultation. Or order our Guide to Freedom
“Me & My Shadow” by Diana Iannarone on Amazon.
We do not give legal advice, nor do we use legal principles to apply to your circumstances. We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Lap it Up!

Make this your year. Lap it up, take it all in.
This was Iggy, He was the most polite, high strung, obsessive compulsive, ball fetching, bubble chasing, swimming boy. I loved every aspect of him. He knew how to lap it up in every single moment. We can learn a lot from a dog!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Be the Observer

Being the observer of your circumstances rather than the participant sometimes makes it possible for you to awaken to a greater truth.  Wake up, Stand up, Live free.

Meet Bubby-he was always the observer and to himself. My Regal boy. I would've loved to have been inside his head. He was certainly inside my heart.

Connection Matters

Now that's connection!
It is a new month. My hope is to connect more with each of you by creating an environment that inspires some positive discussion or thoughts. We can all use a little more connection!
As you have experienced, when people like my page or my blog, I don't reach out to them, because it is important to me that people feel free! It is important that Life be on YOUR terms, so I will not reach out to you unless you send me a request to, but I still hope that through this page, I will connect with you at some level. I hope too, that as we move forward some of what I post here, resonates and inspires other positive thoughts. Your voice and you matter!
You may have noticed also, I am often using my personal photos now, I want to have more of me out there, so you know more of WHO I am. Thank you for your likes, shares, and comments, and even for your silent participation on my page. Meet Iggy, Bubby and Lucky. These were my babies when I lived on my horse ranch. It was so fun for all of us! 
Let's make this a great year of connection!