Saturday, July 30, 2016

Triumph of Healing

Blessing rather than pain
Excerpt Me & My Shadow:
In your triumph of healing, you can share the wholeness obtained because of your story. It is in your peaceful wholeness that you can help others heal. 
We have a tendency to be our own “minimizers.” We may think that someone’s story is worse than our own. Or we may think that someone doesn’t have the right to feel pain because we have lived through “worse.” However, it is important to realize that it is all subjective. If it is real to us, then it is real. If we are still holding on to the past, it acts as a rubber-band pulling us endlessly backward. Even if we are attempting to move forward, that pull makes our forward movement exhausting. We need to cut that rubber-band holding us to our past, so we can catapult into the present and create a joyful future.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Empty Promises | Empty Lives

empty lives
This excerpt from Me & My Shadow seems to be a somewhat predictive reflection of today's situations and indicates the world may indeed be Waking Up:
Look at your life and the relationships in it. Do you see continuous mistreatment of yourself by others? If you back up and look across your life and see a pattern of pain and excuses, then you have been allowing abuse in your life. It is also likely you have not accepted the whole of you, your capacities for both good and evil. You are asleep. The more asleep you are the greater the level of abuse you are willing to tolerate.
So many acts of violence, including murder, are instituted on us by people that claim to love us or people that we think we know. Wake Up! If you think you see signs that demonstrate incongruence or conflict between actions and words, don't disregard that inner knowing, presume they are real. Honor that still small voice that knows. Often these abusive relationships are wrought with constant incongruencies. We hear the words “I want help,” while the speaker seeks none but that which we ourselves give. We hear the words “I love you,” while being beaten down physically, emotionally or mentally. We hear the words “I promise” yet there is nothing ever delivered. Those empty promises that we chose to cling to helped to create our empty lives. Can you see this in the world at large as well? Over and over these patterns repeat, yet another red flag waving proud in front of our blind eyes. At all levels of life, look for this incongruence.
The object here is not to become paranoid and believe that everyone is going to harm us. When you are awake, embracing all parts of you, you are more able and willing to see all parts of others; you become much more aware as you observe people.
Since we are so often followers of established rules, and we are so unlikely to recognize evil, we have a hard time grasping that those in authority may be bad. Those in authority can be anyone, whether it is a parent, boss, sibling, lawyer, police officer, politician, or even a spouse. Anyone who we perceive has power over us, or is more aware of what is best for us, we consider an authority. Our belief that we must honor authority, must respect authority, is often a byproduct of conditioning. We don't evaluate whether or not these individuals we view as authority are worthy of our honor and respect. We blindly honor them as we feel it is our duty. Worse, we perceive that we have to earn the right to be honored by them in return. We long for their compassion and respect, or we simply trust they have our best interests at heart. We often trust them based on position alone. We work harder and do more to achieve the compassion or respect we desire. We get in line to do what is expected of us. Instead, we need to realize that from the moment we were born we deserved to be honored. We need to realize that our loving nature is sacred, and should be held to a high esteem for those that are worthy of the honor of our love, not those that wish to harm. We also need to realize that even those in authority have a shadow side. It is our responsibility to observe and determine if they are operating from the light or the dark. Lastly, we need to realize that we are powerful. We hold a sword*. We can use our sword to preserve our honor. We need not hide our power. We must embrace our power.
We must accept that it is not mean to protect ourselves. It is, instead, mean to ourselves not to.
*Sword-figurative for the power within us to use boundaries and take proper action to protect ourselves and others.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Enlightened Path

Excerpt Me & My Shadow:
Just as you must accept and embrace all parts of you to achieve the experience of total inner peace, it is only when we accept and embrace all parts of the world, even those we have rejected in the past, that we can observe world peace. This peace is created through experiencing the full power of the endless source of Love. We are not meant to judge, only to love. Just as all parts of us as individuals are interconnected, mind, body, and spirit, so are all parts of us as a world, as a Universe. We are all connected by that one source that runs through us, should we choose to acknowledge and embrace it, God, the greatest source of Love.
We cannot reject that which is a part of us and be whole and complete at the same time. To experience true peace we must embrace and know our oneness. We must only determine which parts of the Universe in its entirety are wise to allow into our personal lives. Those parts which are not healthy for us we can acknowledge and then dismiss with love. There is an abundance of all the necessary components for peace and comfort in our lives and in the world. There is no shortage. This will become more evident as greed and fear are overcome by Love.
Those who live in the shadows hope we never discover our freedom. They hope we never realize the deceit, presented as truth, which hides in their shadow. It is in embracing the fullness of our light, our power of God within, that together, we can reveal all that hides in the shadow. Acknowledging the full capacities within us, we are awakened; we enter the enlightened path. We must recognize our oneness, and from our awake place we are able to clearly see the deceptions. It is time to distinguish between those in a mere puddle crying for help, and those in the depths of the water about to be drowned in the pull of the undertow, after having willingly treaded water and fought for their breath.
Money and the nice things it can do and buy should carry with it no shame. The imperative assessment is to discover which ego is directing its abilities, how the “tool” of money is being utilized, for power over and control of or for Love. The problem lies in our tendency to become attached and to begin to define ourselves by these tangible things. The person at peace does not fear losing any of the things in their possession because they know that “things” are fleeting. Only Love is everlasting.
The attachment to the physical literally binds us in that space. We are unable to move completely to the Divine until we sever all attachments. Release, and let go.
You may be wondering how you can simply let go of that attachment. After all, money is necessary to live in our world today. The idea of releasing the stresses formed by our attachment to money, our fear surrounding money, may seem ludicrous and impossible. But as I have said before, trust is the antidote to fear. The more you know, the more you discover what you don’t know. When you begin to trust in the Universe, and in yourself, you no longer have a need for fear. In fact, when you operate from a place of trust to the point that you have reached your Divine ego, you no longer have a need for your shadow at all, although you are aware of its existence.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Power of Love and Acceptance

love and acceptance world
Excerpt Me & My Shadow:
We must embrace who we truly are, the whole of us. The pieces of our lives cannot come together as one, until we do. We must embrace the truth that we are the creator of our world. We must acknowledge the fullness of our power of love and acceptance and through that knowledge we will be empowered to create real change, not only in our lives, but in the world as a whole. We will be in a better position to offer kindness and love to others once we learn to show it to ourselves. Certain responsibilities come with this title of creator. We must no longer leave room in our world for hate, control, or words that diminish our spirit. There must be no room for us to diminish ourselves either. To allow yourself to examine the deceptions in your life, takes great courage. First, you need the courage to look so that it may be revealed, and then to act in your best interest armed with what you now know. It is at this time you can begin to Stand Up.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Friday, July 15, 2016

Fragmented, We Tolerate the Intolerable

Divine presence
Excerpt Me & My Shadow:
In our wholeness, we no longer allow others to abuse us. We no longer tolerate the intolerable, for we know now our Divine presence, our fullness of love, and our deservingness of honor. When we can stand comfortably in our full power, we have found our wholeness. When our wounds are healed we will no longer feel the need to judge another, or have a defensive reaction…this is how we know, we have found our way to being whole and complete. Total acceptance of ourselves in all our capacities, in the fullness of who we are, allows us to embrace others with eyes wide open and accept them as they are. We need not fix them, only observe who they are. We believe what we see, as they show themselves to us. We recognize those who are directly inflicting harm, and that ignites our power to protect. We know we have our sword* and are clear on when and how to use it, but often our presence of power is enough. Once whole, we can more easily see the truth before us. As we continue on this path and heal our wounds, the clearer and more peaceful our lives and the lives of those around us become. We will not only be whole, we will be complete. Aware we need nothing outside of ourselves. Love is in fact, all we need.  
You see, I now understand the wisdom of the mirror. It is the tool to help us find our wholeness, which was available to us all along.  
Renowned Psychotherapist, Carl Jung says, "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
Everyone in your life is there for a reason, holding the mirror up so you will see. When you feel the discomfort of irritation, when you are bothered by others or experiencing what you will now recognize as misalignment, pain, or lack of peace, ask yourself what you are not willing to embrace or accept about yourself. Do not be afraid to look directly in the mirror. Without looking in the mirror, you cannot look into your own eyes and see the whole of your existence. Always keep your eyes on the mirror. Peace and happiness come only from within.
I am hoping this message will be forever a part of you. A part that can simplify what seems like our complex world, all we need to do is look within. We need to no longer judge, but instead observe, and acknowledge our oneness.
*Sword-figurative for the power within us to use boundaries and take proper action to protect ourselves and others.
We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Shedding Light on the Shadow

no more hiding
Excerpt from Me & My Shadow~Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom by Diana Iannarone:
Those that slink in the darkness of the shadows, have one weapon they fear. A weapon that makes them run for cover even more than a vile threat on their life, one that will ignite their terror more than any other; cameras. It is hard to remain in the darkness, if you are captured in truth, by the light. They wish to never be caught; they wish to never have their true actions revealed. They so enjoy hiding behind the illusion of their innocence.
Remember, to these types abusers (sociopaths) the click in the chamber of a gun ignites less fear, than the click of a camera.
My corporate tag line is:
Wake Up. Stand Up. Live Free.
To see the world at large with some deep sense of reality, often we must first look within to the conditions of our own life.
Waking up to areas we may be deluded or unwilling to face is the first step...
The clearer we see ourselves, the clearer we see the world.
Where in our own personal lives might we be tolerating the intolerable? I learned the power of that evaluation on my own journey from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom.
We can change the world, one person at a time as we each evaluate what changes we must make in our lives to find peace. Abuses often begin at home.
Many of the circumstances that we are seeing in the world are not new, they are being revealed as result of improved and accessible technology.
As I stated the other day: I believe that the ubiquitous use of cameras is causing accountability for actions. Everything in the shadows is being brought into the light. It is painful, yet powerful as these ever-present truths are revealed. Deception may finally have no place to hide in the transparency of our world. 
This is truly a beginning. May we all, Wake up. Stand up. Live Free.
We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

No More Hiding in the Shadows

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Monday, July 11, 2016

Capture by the King

I was an object
Excerpt, Me & My Shadow
I couldn’t see I was an object, a thing that they wished to control. I was the central piece in their game of chess. They knew my power that I refused to see. They leveraged my strength for their own benefit, knowing I did not understand and embrace my power and how it might serve me. When I Woke Up I learned I was the Queen, with more power and freedom than I had ever known. As the Queen we are indeed the most powerful piece in the game. In the past I simply awaited my capture by the King, but once awakened the game had changed. I finally realized the belief that I was powerless was a deception.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Upper Hand is Ours?

click of a camera
Actually our awareness of the suffering is because we have an upper
All that has been true is now simply visible to us.
You might value also Mike Rowe's thoughts on the matter.
We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Friday, July 8, 2016

▶ White Lion - When the Children Cry (Official Music Video) [1989]

Have we tried? Beautiful message, future generations, all that we have destroyed, you must build again...truth, let the new world begin.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Be Surrounded by Only Love.

Contol less observe more
Excerpt Me & My Shadow:
Boundaries are vital. Back Up, Wake up, Stand Up, Live Free!
We believe that we are invulnerable. We often believe we don’t need any help; we can tackle it all on our own. We believe we can not only hold our piece of the jigsaw puzzle, we perceive we can hold everyone else’s also. Actually, at the most important levels, I was not even carrying my own piece, no one was. I carried others' pieces out of what I thought was love; however, they were manipulating me, using my fear of shame and guilt; I simply wouldn’t see. It was always my choice. There was always that little voice in my head telling me to stop. It just seemed so impossible, impossible to let go. Carrying their pieces is all I knew. I thought it was my responsibility.
Control less, observe more, focus on you,
and be surrounded by only love.
It was letting go of those pieces, releasing the pieces of the men in my life that I held onto so tightly, that was absolutely necessary to wake up. A key step to waking up is releasing. I began letting go of the pieces while in my final abusive relationships. Once I let go of their pieces, I really began to see the true colors of my abusers. Colors that were obstructed from view, as long as I saw myself as the person who had to keep them safe, keep their affairs in order; assure that they never got hurt; hold tightly to their pieces. While I was carrying their pieces I was too tired and distracted to see the need to carry my own. Once I let go of their pieces, my path to freedom became visible.
So, to step closer to freedom you must wake up. To wake up, I recommend you let go of everyone else’s piece to the extent that you can, remain safe, and start focusing on you. This sounds so simple but it is not. At first you will likely feel much like you may have felt when you first saw your child fall. You will want to run to their rescue, feeling an obligation as if it is your responsibility to save them.
If their intentions have been disingenuous, any contrary illusion has been by their design, and you were willing to take the role. You need to release it. Release their piece. Know that when you do, just as they have each time their manipulations fail to work, you may see them escalate. They may appear to need you more than ever. Remember, it is not about love, it is about chess.
Holding someone’s piece means that you are letting yourself be responsible and accountable for the things that they should be caring for themselves. You do this, in most cases, because you don’t want them to fall. You may fear the guilt and shame associated with their falling. Further though, you may perceive that their falling will hurt you in some way. You may need to be okay with that.
For example, my obsessive devotion to the boundary that dictated that no bill was ever late, that nothing could harm my credit, was part of the compulsion that kept me carrying their piece. I never wanted an indication anywhere that I was irresponsible. The most irresponsible thing I did was letting that fear, the fear that something bad would happen, be a trump card that people could leverage to my destruction.
Let go of your desire to control outcomes. We can only control our actions and thoughts, which will lead to outcomes. When we focus on simply doing what is right from moment to moment, and stop dwelling on the outcomes, we will be in essence eliminating all trump cards. If you are acting from a "right" place, the outcomes will take care of themselves. To exemplify, my daughter and I both love to cook. I nearly always use a recipe. My daughter on the other hand, never follows a recipe. When I ask her how she knows how the meal will turn out without a recipe she tells me, "I know if I am cooking with good, fresh ingredients, I can do almost anything with them and it will be delicious." This is the same concept. If you act from a place of goodness and integrity as defined by your belief system, then you are using only the best, freshest ingredients. You are bound to have a good outcome. While I have reasonably mastered this concept in life, apparently I still need my daughter’s push to embrace this truth in the kitchen!

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Love and Acceptance

deny our own beliefs
Excerpt Me & My Shadow, Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom.
In essence, as children we were filled with love, and then we sought acceptance. When we feel some aspect of ourselves is not accepted, the negative force of rejection by those we view as our authority, our caretakers, diminishes us and redefines what we think love is. From our heart of love, we begin to learn fear. What we fear most is losing love and acceptance. We need love and acceptance to feel safe. We become whatever we perceive will allow us to be given love and acceptance and/or will keep us safe.
I believe that we are born knowing only love, because we are aware of our connectedness to God. Then we are taught to fear. It is this fear, mainly fear of being rejected or harmed that teaches us to adapt our behaviors. These adaptations may not feel right to us, but we follow the path that we believe leads us to love and acceptance.
The feeling I have that this is wrong
must in fact be what is wrong. My feelings are wrong,
not the act of what is happening to me or being told to me.
That fear of not being loved and accepted forces us to shift from our whole-selves to our adapted-selves. Our adapted self is the person we perceive we need to become, and eventually do become, so that we might feel loved and accepted as a child. The adapted self hides who we really are. The adapted self is our wounded self. That adapted self we became to feel loved, accepted, and therefore safe as a child, can be released once we are an adult. We can release our adapted self any time we decide. Through finding your beliefs you will learn who your adapted self is, and begin to rediscover your true self buried underneath.
In order to free ourselves from our false or limiting beliefs that created our adapted self, we first must identify those beliefs and wake up to the true reality. Once awake, we must stand up for who we are and our beliefs, even if they seem unacceptable to the world at large and, perhaps, by whomever we view as an authority. This is easier to do as we begin to trust ourselves. This courage is contagious.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Be Courageous Not Compliant

courageous not compliantExcerpt from Me & My Shadow~Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom.
My abusers were used to the idea that I was weak and predictable, that they could manipulate me as they could a marionette. I had taught every abuser in my life that I would never use my power. So imagine their shock when I did! I was becoming the choreographer now.
Awake I could see that I always had the power of the Queen. I was simply not using that power; I was too afraid, too ashamed to bring harm to anyone but myself. They always told me that I was mean, cruel even, if I did not properly care for and protect them. I believed them. I promised myself at a very young age that I would never harm another. In order to begin protecting myself from harm, I had to realize that allowing natural consequences for another’s cruelty was not the same as harming an innocent.
When we act from our empowered and awakened state we throw our abuser off balance. It is during these imbalanced moments that they are recalculating a new strategy and this is when your abuser may become the most dangerous. You must decide for yourself what the safest way to handle this situation is. What I know is, you can’t keep doing what you have done and expect a different result. Before when they escalated, you likely gave in more, looking to appease, help, or calm the situation. That may not be the right way to play anymore.
In my instance, what I learned is that when my abusers played the normal trump cards, I didn't react. Over and over those same cards would be thrown at me, with intent to ignite my fear that I would get in trouble with authority. There were implications made that I cheated on my taxes, was violating an order that would jail me for contempt, was armed and dangerous, was drunk and unfit, even that I was a potential killer! Through all of that, I didn’t react. The less reactive I was, the more confused they (my abusers and those who assisted them) would be. I didn't react because I stayed focused on the tasks at hand, rather than all the ancillary creation of drama and fear. I wanted out. I was no longer in fear of shame. I finally embraced that I had nothing to be ashamed of. I was no longer a little girl in fear, not embracing all of myself. I felt fear, lots of fear, but for the first time it was appropriate fear. Fear for my safety, for my life. Not the petty fear of shame that had always guided me before. In this fear, I was now courageous. I was not hiding. I was standing in my light. I was shining the flashlight on their evil behavior in ways that they feared. The one thing they vowed never to become was a victim. I knew they had that fear and I leveraged it when needed. I had power to expose who they were, and they prefer to stay in the shadows.
Once awake, I could see their shadow, which only became possible once I accepted that the shadow dwelled in me as well. Once this capacity is acknowledged, we can instantly begin operating from it. However, I wanted to rapidly find my fullest power, my ability to boldly wield my sword. I now understood, force is an acceptable power, when used to protect.
Wielding our sword is a foreign concept to us. We must use whatever level of force is necessary to be free from harm. Ideally, we should not exceed that level. Violence, if you will, is acceptable in self-defense. In my case, I feared that I didn't have the fullness of this resource and I knew I needed help. Remember, it is through embracing your vulnerability that help arrives. We must admit that we are not in fact invincible, as we have portrayed. It is in accepting this reality, that we finally reach for help and all the teachers arrive. We are now beginning to summon and unleash the true power within us. This announcement of our vulnerability leads to truly being invulnerable. Soon, our life and truths will no longer be illusions.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom