Monday, October 10, 2016

Choose Healing Over Pain

Excerpt Me & My Shadow:
"What if every person who enters your life is part of a Universal plan to bring you to self-love? What if every moment is a perfectly orchestrated synchronicity giving you the opportunity to honor your human value? What if at any moment we could choose healing over pain, love over hate, freedom over control? And what if every single person can choose to create the most loving life possible if we can just decide at all levels of our being that we deserve it? These are the questions I have spent over three decades pondering. My quest for freedom and peace became an internal journey. I now rest assured knowing I do deserve love, healing, and freedom and I am living it. I believe we all deserve that same gift.
We have always been able to heal and live free. It requires that we embrace and accept ourselves exactly where we are. Instead we choose to endure pain, denying our self-worth, all on a quest for love and acceptance while never giving it to ourselves. It is our desire to control the outcome that often causes our pain, coupled with our fear that we are doing something wrong. We don’t want to fail or be seen as bad. To awaken, consider that we do not need to control others, nor be controlled. We need to see that we are enough, completely worthy of love and acceptance. Our wholeness comes from within. However, before we can experience this freedom we must begin to doubt all of our truths. We must reveal to ourselves the unconscious beliefs that are ruling our lives."
Wake Up to how you're operating from past hurts, Stand Up for your non-negotiable qualities and Live Free into your next reality.
Life is not meant to be a struggle, and healing from harsh forces is a beautiful, gentle awakening to the one limiting core belief—the red thorn—that can be gently released (not extracted).
Cut Your Root of Captivity.

We are neither lawyers nor medical professionals.

This blog is opinion only. To learn more about our work go to
If the content in this blog strikes a chord with you, consider buying Diana's story which was written to serve as a guide to freedom:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

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