Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fear is the energy that contracts. Love is the energy that expands.

How often do we let fear creep into our lives, sabotaging our behavior, limiting our potential and even blocking us from the joyful Love that exists?

When we are on the brink of something wonderful, something that is simply ebbing and flowing and creating itself, we have a tendency to jump in and try and control it. Often in those moments of complete wonder and joy...we allow Fear to take over and drive us to control. Fear, which is in relative opposition to Love, is an obstacle to all that awaits.  We over think, we over analyze, we move from our heart to our mind and thereby sabotage our own joy.  It is our mind and the thoughts within it that can create our confinement.  Our thoughts becoming like the harsh judgmental parent, telling us of all we are not, the ways in which we are not good enough, the ways in which we cannot be understood and accepted, the ways in which we aren't worthy, especially in matters of the heart. These are the lies we tell ourselves that mold our life...and we can chose to stop it at any time. Be willing to take baby steps, raise our consciousness about our thoughts and shift to more trusting, loving ones.

It is our choice to Live Free. Of course, the human factor is simply unavoidable at times, it rears its ugly head and implores us to consider that all the ease we may  be experiencing is an illusion and we must control, we must doubt, we must fear.  How long we allow this anxiety to consume us is up to us. Anxiety is about lack of trust and emotions we have chosen to stifle. We must release what is inside of us, journal through our fear, doubt, sadness and get back in the flow that awaits for us to trust.

So when I recognize my saboteur is holding the reins of my life, I breathe, I step back, I remind myself of the wonder of Love and I instead choose to Trust, and release the compulsions, the racing thoughts, the analysis of all I could have or should have done/said or not done/said that can appear in my mind. With my awareness, I begin to drop the reins and instead 
again allow for the opportunity of all that awaits to be joyfully and easily created and enjoyed. In those moments, I choose to shift from fear, that False Evidence Appearing Real, to trust.  I remind myself of how glorious things are when I allow them to happen, rather than over thinking and controlling.  What I have learned is the more we try and control things, the more out of control they get. We have to remind ourselves of our deservingness—and that Love and peace is abundant, even for us.

Let us choose to release the contracting power of fear and forever move instead back to the expanding power of Love.  We are whole, complete, and loveable and just as we are. I have learned the object is not to be vested in the outcomes, but instead to enjoy each moment of the journey, fearless and fully present along the way, experiencing peace.

Excerpt from Me and my Shadow, Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom

"What if once we learn, really learn, that we are the creators of our own lives, we can freely let go of the confining boundaries we imagined, release our illusion of control, and realize that we have, in essence, become one with the river and can truly trust the flow of life?"

Copyright © 2014 by Diana Iannarone

If this strikes a chord with you, consider buying my book:
Me and My Shadow
Move from Fear and Control to Love and Freedom.

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